How to Set & Achieve Your Goals?
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It is very easy to set a goal, but it is a lot harder to achieve the goals you set.
In this article, I will be going how to make it easier and practial for you to achieve your goals.
1. Enjoy the Process & Journey
It is very easy to get attached to the end result of a goal.
If you are fulling attached to just the end goal, you might experience cognitive dissonance with a long-term goal which could lead to you feeling burnt out mentality and slowly start giving up on your goal.
Instead put your mind at ease and try to stay in a focused and positive state of flow while you are achieving the goal and taking the steps necessary.
This allows you enjoy the change in behaviour, systems or habits needed to achieve your goal instead of making your emotions tied to the outcome of your goal.
2. Mix Pleasurable Habits with Your Goal-Oriented Tasks
This is my favourite way to habit stack my tasks with things I already enjoy.
Listening to my favourite artist while studying.
Watching a new show only while on the treadmill and I can’t wait it unless I am on the treadmill.
Making your favourite drink while working? For me this is making an Iced Matcha Latte.
By combining a favourite thing of yours with a task/action, it becomes associated with your habit.
With time your mind will start to link the indulegnece of your favourite X with the habit as a cue for your habit.
3. Always keep records of your progress in achieving your goals
I usually use a habit tracker of some sort to track my progress on my goals and my habits.
Seeing a visual representation of how many times I have worked on my goal and not wanting to break my streak is a great way to keep me motivated.
Even the end goal is quite far, this keeps me motivated in the beginning stages as I am seeing the progress to keep going.
It is also important to look at this weekly to see how far you have come in achieving your goal and to continue going forward.
4. Celebrate the small wins
Similar to step 3, it is important to not only keep records of you achieving your goals, but celebrate every small action step taken towards your goal.
You should create smaller milestones or goals in between the end result you desire and choose a reward you will give yourself when you achieve it.
This is very important at the beginning of achieving goals as it is very easy to feel like you want quit, but adding small rewards is a nice way to continue going.
We all need rewards to keep motivated in the long term goal.
5. If you want to quit, remember and consider the implications of doing so
When you trying to achieve a goal, there are two options that can occur:
Remain the same
Take the necessary action to level up your life to where you want to be
Every time you stop a goal, you need to consider what is happening when you are not pursing the goal and indulging in your current comfort zone.
This could have lasting effects on how your life could look, your relationships, your identity and more.
Remember the true purpose of why you made this goal is important. A good way to remember this is by creating a pros/cons list of what will happen if you pursue this goal you desire to achieve.
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