Everything You Need To Know About Manifestion
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The article contains information from a number of sources but primarily, Abraham-Hicks (research his work if you want to know more about the law of attraction) and my own experience.
I’m in no way an expert but have learned a lot over the last couple of years and have successfully Manifested dream university in downtown Toronto, my dream apartment, a healthy relationship after years of toxic ones, friendships I didn’t even know were possible and so much more.
What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is a way of designing your ideal life by using the power of your thoughts. It's not just about making a plan and following through. It's more about how our thoughts shape our reality. Manifestation is the first step to achieving your dream life.
Everything we see around us started as a thought. So if we want to create a specific reality, we need to start with the right thoughts. The way we think about things affects how they will turn out. For instance, if we think positively, things will go well. But if we think negatively, things will go badly.
The Laws
Law of attraction – That which is like unto itself is drawn
The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive thoughts and feelings attract positive things in our lives. According to this theory, by thinking and focusing on what we want, we can create an attracting force that will bring the things we desire into our lives.
The way you are thinking and feeling right now will attract similar things into your life. If you focus on positive thoughts and feelings about what you want to have in your life, you will attract those things into your life. For example, if you have positive thoughts about having amazing people in your life, more amazing people will enter your life. On the other hand, if you focus on negative thoughts and feelings, you will attract negative experiences that reflect those thoughts into your life. For instance, if you view wealthy people with envy, you may find more opportunities to feel envious of their wealth.
Law of Deliberate Creation
You are solely responsible for everything you experience in the present and the future. External factors do not have the power to influence your experience. Instead, the circumstances you find yourself in are a result of the thoughts you have, whether they are conscious or subconscious beliefs. To create the things you want in life, it is important to make a conscious effort to choose better thoughts.
Law of Allowance – I am the way I am, you are the way you are, and I’m happy with our differences.
The Law of Deliberate Creation states that you are responsible for creating your own experiences through your thoughts. This may be intimidating because you may realize that you have been creating experiences that you do not want. However, the Law of Allowance reminds us that it is important to allow all kinds of experiences, contrasts, and differences in life. Every time you encounter something you do not want, remember that it can teach you what you do want. This helps you understand your true desires and be true to yourself. It is also important to remember that resistance is not the way to get what you want. If you focus on and resist what you do not want, you will only get more of it. Instead, strive for positivity. For example, if you want to attract health, it is better to focus on good habits and healthy foods rather than attacking unhealthy ones. Accepting that illness and unhealthy choices are a part of life allows you to make the right choices for yourself, such as choosing healthy foods that make you feel better and helping others with advice. The difference in approach is crucial; aim for positivity rather than negativity.
So how does this thing work?
It is important to pay attention to your current emotional state when manifesting your desires. Manifestations are more likely to occur when you are in a state of flow. Negative emotions such as sadness, unhappiness, annoyance, or frustration can prevent or even push away the things you are trying to manifest. Abraham-Hicks even suggests that desires that are sent out while in a positive emotional state are more likely to be quickly manifested than those sent out while feeling negative. Therefore, before attempting to manifest your desires consciously, check in with your emotions and try to get into a state of flow.
Signs you are in a state of flow:
You feel energetic
You feel optimistic about your future
You feel worthy and embody inner strength
You feel confident
You are content with what you have and where you are at
Your thoughts are consistently positive and you don’t have trouble shifting your perspective about a negative situation in a positive way.
Things seem to be coming your way (This is one of the strongest indicators; for instance, people greeting you on the street, people letting you go ahead in line, sudden job offers, and unexpected acts of kindness from others.)
How to get in the flow?
If you are not in the flow, there are many things you can do to get back into it. However, before suggesting specific actions, it is important to note that one technique for shifting your thoughts is to actively choose more positive thoughts when you catch yourself thinking negatively.
Rather than trying to make a big leap from negative to positive thinking, choose a thought that makes you feel slightly better and then gradually build on that with additional positive thoughts.
Aim to do this for at least 13 seconds, but even better if you can do it for 68 seconds or more. This will help create momentum and bring you back into the flow. If this technique does not work, try removing yourself from the situation or task that is causing negative thoughts. Make a note of activities that make you feel better (quickly jot it down into your notes app) and refer back to this list when you are not feeling your best. Try to remember how you felt when doing these things and try to tap into those emotions. If this doesn't work, go and do something from the list.
Cuddle your pet
Put on some good music
Go for a walk or run
Use your breath (Look at this TED presentation how to influence your HRV to get in a state of flow – You could also use the Wim Hof Method )
Be grateful for everything around you (remember the 68 seconds)
Call a friend
What are you working with
Ok, you are in the flow. You feel like you can take on the world. Which castles do you want to build? Which mountains do you want to climb? There, there, easy now tiger!
The three things you need to use to manifest your desires: thoughts, emotions, and actions. These three things work together and there are a few key things to keep in mind.
First, only your thoughts can be used to create what you want. Your thoughts have the power to shape your reality and influence your emotions. It's important to remember that negative thoughts can throw you off balance and put you in a bad mood, so it's best to focus on positive thoughts whenever possible. You can also use your thoughts to tap into specific emotions or feelings. For example, if you're trying to manifest a life of abundance and freedom, it might be hard to imagine what that feels like at first. But you can use your thoughts to conjure up feelings of being free to do what you want, or the feeling of not having to wake up to an alarm clock, or the excitement of being able to travel wherever you please.
Emotions can't be used to create what you want on their own, but they can serve as a helpful indicator of whether your thoughts are aligned with your desires. Your emotions can act like a GPS, guiding you towards what you want or away from it. If you're feeling negative emotions, it's a sign that your thoughts are steering you away from what you want. On the other hand, positive emotions mean you're on the right track and should keep going in that direction. Your emotions can also affect the speed at which your desires manifest. The intensity and frequency of your emotions, especially when it comes to a particular desire, can determine how quickly it comes into reality.
Finally, there's action. This is a controversial topic, but my view is clear: taking action is a powerful tool to help you get what you want. You can see it all around you - people who take action tend to get things done. However, it can be challenging to manifest your desires solely through action. Instead, what really matters is enthusiasm. When you come across something that really sparks your enthusiasm, go for it! Your enthusiasm will guide you toward what you want. Don't let anxiety or old beliefs hold you back when something exciting comes up. Follow your enthusiasm and see where it takes you!
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The Process
Now that we've discussed what you need to know to start manifesting, let's dive into the process. It's as simple as this: ask, get your answer, allow. Just a quick reminder: it works best when you're in the flow.
You create what you want with your thoughts. You can use your thoughts to build enthusiasm and positive emotion around what you want, which will help you manifest it faster. It's also important to get clear on why you want something and why you know you'll be able to get it. Visualize already having what you want and feeling the associated emotions, but don't get too caught up in details about how it will come to you. Trust that the universe will handle the details.
When asking for what you want, it's essential to carefully choose the words you use. Choose words that describe the situation you want to experience as if you already have it. This will help you manifest what you want. If you find yourself thinking thoughts based on not having what you want, try to reframe them. For example, instead of thinking "I wish I had money," try thinking "Money comes easily into my life, continuously, incrementally, and through different means." Be conscious of the emotional reactions you have to your own thoughts. These reactions will give you feedback on whether or not your thoughts are helping you get closer to what you want. With practice, you'll get better at this and be able to tell the subtle emotional differences associated with different thoughts.
Getting your answer
You always get what you answered. Whether you're asking for it consciously or not, your request will be fulfilled. Don't doubt this process. If you think this process isn't working, look at your thoughts and your emotional state. This sounds harsh, but when you doubt this process, it will be reflected in the results. Once you have sent out your question or desire, don't stay in the asking mode. Release your desire and trust in the process. It is coming your way. Focus on feeling good and getting in the flow. The biggest challenge in the manifestation process isn't in asking, it is in allowing the answer.
The point where almost all people experience difference is in the allowing of the things they want. That might sound counter intuitive, but it's true! The state of flow that was named earlier has another characteristic: you are open, in the receptive mode. In the state of flow, you see opportunities and beautiful ideas come to you. This sends you to the things that you want. So to get what you want, it's important to feel good and experience positive emotions. It's also important to be open minded. Some beliefs may keep you out of the state of flow, or prevent you from taking action. But when you feel inspired or enthusiastic about something, go do it! Being open minded also means that when your desire gets filled, don't doubt it. For example, if you want to speak to a distant relative and she calls you on Skype, don't be bummed out that she didn't come to see you in person. So now you know how to rephrase your question next time. Being positive and open minded isn't that hard, right?
Now if you don't see your desire manifesting, don't worry. It's already on its way to you. Asking again won't speed it up. Instead, check your thoughts and feelings. Are you in the flow? Do you doubt whether the thing you want is coming into your life? These may be the things that cause resistance and keep you from getting what you want.
One more thing: make sure you really believe that what you want is on its way. The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. So make sure your thoughts and feelings are in alignment with what you want. Don't be surprised when it happens - it was always going to!
The aesthetic that is all about healthy choices and the beautiful earth